Canine P4 Trade-Up Program! Sign up Here.

Have A Progesterone Machine That Doesn't Work For You?

Trade In Your Progesterone Machine (in Any Condition) For Up To $1450 toward a new Canine P4 Supported Progesterone Machine. Fill out the form with some basic information and a CainineP4 Specialist will call you to go over your personal needs! Hurry Limited time offer!

First and Last Name

Full name is a required field

Your Contact Email

Email is a required field

Your Contact Phone Number

Phone number is a required field

Your Address

Your Shipping Address. Where we would send your NEW System to. Please include CITY, STATE, and ZIP

Which progesterone machine are you interested in?

The specialist will simply ask you questions to determine which of the many systems we sell would best fit your needs.

What is the name of the progesterone machine you would like to trade in?

If you know the manufacturers name and the model please include both. If not just the product name will be enough.

What is the best day and range of times for your specialist to call you?

A range of times will help us get to you quickly due to the volume of calls.

Enter any additional information you would like to share with us here.

Send us another information here that you think would help us to place you in the best system for you!

Once you have talked to Your Specialist about what your exact needs are for Your New Progesterone System, we will also send you additional information via email that may be helpful for those of you who need a bit more time to decide what Your best fit in a trade up System would be. We are always ready to serve!