Page Title

Bomb Party

Replacement Form

Complete the form below for replacement items. Please only submit one form per item that needs replacing. Once your form is submitted, we will start processing your replacement immediately after review. Our processing time is currently 10-12 business days for replacement items.

Please note that if an item is marked out of stock, you can still submit a replacement form for this item. A similar item, or an item of similar purchase price, will be shipped to the customer or Party Rep

Order Number

You should enter the order number for the order that contains the item that needs replacing. If you are the rep and have already replaced the customers item, you should enter your inventory order number containing the appropriate items

Rep ID

Full Name

please use the name of the customer/rep your items will be shipped to

Address Line 1- Must match address on order

street address or P.O Box

Address Line 2-

Apt, Suite, Unit, Building (Optional)



Zip Code

Email Address

The email you enter will be used for your tracking