Building Inspection:
Building Exterior Including Parking and Rear Yard
Inspection Check Monthly
Superviser, Joint Health & Safety Committee
Date of Inspection
1) Is the building address or identification clearly visible?
2) Are exterior lights in working order & come on at appropriate time?
3) Is an unobstructed access road to the building provided?
4) Are the exits to public streets free from visible obstructions?
5) Are all building sides accessible to emergency equipment?
6) Are fire route signs visible and 30ft apart?
7) Are fire hydrants accessible, clear of snow & vehicles?
8) Are fire hydrants a colour other than "municipal yellow"?
9) No parking signs posted at fire hydrants?
10) Are sprinkler/standpipe connnections accessible?
11) Are sprinkler/standpipe connnections clearly marked?
12) Does the building appear to be in good repair?
13) Is the building free from signs of vandalism?
14) Are exterior walls free from cracks or broken panes?
15) Are paved surfaces inspected and repaired (ie. lifts, cracks, etc.)?
16) Are combustible materials stored aqway from building and stored separately if required?
17) Do entrance doors close slowly to avoid hazards to fingers?
18) Are vehicles parked in accordance with parking plan?
19) Are utility/cable boxes marked "KEEP OFF"?
Seasonal Exterior
20) Ice build up in parking lot? If YES please document in "NOTES" section.
21) Drifting snow over entry ways?
22) Exit doors free from obstructing snow pile up?
23) Is there any icicle build up around building? Does it pose a hazard?
Inspected by (Name)
Corrective action taken
Should you note any discrepancies or deficiencies please note and forward required repairs or modifications to maintenance via FreshDesk.